

The crisis of the modern world Part 1

A presentation was made, doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, corresponding member. Theme: Together a divided world: economic and legal aspects.

Modern man cannot afford versatility. In this sense, the days of Leonardo da Vinci unlikely to ever happen again. The person, for the depth of knowledge and connection with all the large amount of information, is forced to narrow the scope of their professional interests. Sometimes at the risk of being shut in with them.

Meetings of representatives of different professions, similar to that which has been possible thanks to the meeting of a way out. By the way, the communication of lawyers and economists is useful not only from the point of view of knowledge sharing. It’s an interesting experience a sudden dip in slightly different terminology, some models of thought. I admit, the first half report feeling close to the discomfort that you feel when you find yourself in an unusual environment is present. I remembered how the first time a few years ago was in tax and accounting publication, which at that time worked only economists. It took us some time to begin to freely understand each other. For example, not a lawyer’s reaction to the question: “what is the law No. 254 says in this regard?”.

But back to the report. I’ll try to highlight the main ideas. The understanding of not only form but also content.

Andrei began with an intriguing phrase: “there is Today a global challenge to mankind, because it loses its mind”. The Rapporteur explained his idea as follows. Science is becoming more functional. You cannot know how the thing which is its content. But we know what she’s doing, what its functional purpose. One of the particular manifestations of this pattern: the economist lost the ability to think independently. He thinks the algorithm: what happens if you take one or the other measure. This algorithm is good for a balanced economy.

But today this is not enough. Vivid examples abound. As an illustration: when started the global financial crisis, almost the first bankrupt company, which had two Nobel prize winners – the specialists in those matters dealt with by the company. One of the leading economic analysts have predicted the onset of the economic crisis.

The crisis in the economy has always been a prerequisite for the theoretical breakthrough in economic science. The crisis sharpens all contradictions, finds weaknesses, and deploys in front of people’s minds a variety of normal and pathological, creating, thus, opportunities for a deeper understanding of the essence and processes. Precisely such a crisis – the innovation process characteristic of the present stage of development of economic theory.

Economists must be able to recognize a new entity. This thinking should be not only functional. The essential General characteristic of the modern world. The world is a complete education. Find the original base development – the key to understanding the entire development process. About the holistic picture of the world.

Offers his holistic conception of the world. Frankly, attempts to explain the world order, not to study its individual aspect, and bribe. Courage, systemic thinking, the ability to rethink some of the recognized postulates. Proposes the concept of co-division of the world.

The concept – property relations. The development of relations of separation is embodied in the division of labor, private property and market institutions, and relations of jointers — in cooperation and the socialization of labor, public property and institutions of the state. The scientist says that the co-division of labor is the basis of the existence of the joint-shared ownership, which in modern conditions is manifested in the forms of:

  • the ratio of private and state ownership as finished forms of conjunction – separated assignment through the tax system and other forms of unequal relations;
  • the existence of joint forms of ownership, which is divided and separate at a cost, is represented by shares and joint, inseparable in material form, presents inextricable industrial complexes;
  • universal ownership of information, intellectual products, the assignment of which by the society is possible only by assigning them each individual.

This concept, allows, among other things, to explain the existence of the tax system: any production, any activity in society one way or another involves the resources (primarily knowledge, experience, information) that have been gathered by this time, humanity or a particular society. Therefore, the tax should not be considered as an obligation to transfer to the state budget a certain amount of its own funds, and as equ ivalent to payment for the used shared resources. In this sense, could in absentia to debate with libertarians, in particular. The latter said that “the taxation of everything earned by labor, is tantamount to forced labor… If the state has the right to demand a portion of my earnings, it has the right and part of my time. Instead take, say, 30% of my income, the government can send me to work for 30% of my time in essence, the state asserts its right of ownership on me.”

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